Mature student? Who feels mature?byCathy Goodwin
Mature student? Who feels mature? If you are attending collegeor university after a lapse of several years, take heart! I did it, and I survived. Being older than your fellow students can offer advantages, but also pose stresses and challenges . You may call yourself a "mature" student, although mo...
Surprise! You're in college! Courtesy of ARA
Surprise! You're in college!
"I never knew living with a roommate was so hard." "I can't believe the amount of reading required for just one class." "I didn't know what the Freshman 20 was until I gained 20 pounds." No matter how hard or how long you plan for college, it's filled with surprises, from d...
Back to School Show & Tell
Back to School Show & Tell by Deborah Shelton The Five Minute Parent One thing you can count on during the first day of school is the inevitable question of "What did you do over the summer?" Here are a few creative ways to describe your summer experiences for the first edition of Show and Tell. 1. Fli...
Going Back to School with Confidence
Going Back to School with Confidence (ARA) - For kids (and for some parents) the summer vacation months fly by and all too soon it's time to head back to school. As fall approaches, so does back-to-school stress. Kids worry about everything from their new teacher to missing the bus to forgetting their...
Who's Got The *Back to School* Blues - The Kids or
Who's Got The *Back to School* Blues - The Kids or Mom? by: Barb Niehaus When my kids were small, I anxiously awaited the day that all four would be in school. Like the old adage warns, "Watch what you wish for...". They have all been school-age for three years now and as the new school year looms just two da...
Back To School Tips
The anticipation of Back-to-School brings excitement and anxiety to both parents and children alike. First day jitters, new routines, structured schedules and separation anxiety affect millions of students each fall. Judsen Culbreth, Editorial Director of Scholastic Parenting and Early Ch...