Berhemat dengan metode " DAUR ULANG "
Jangan terburu-buru membuang botol kaca, botol plastik, kotak bekas, atau barang- barang tak terpakai. Seleksi dulu, siapa tahu di antara barang-barang tersebut ada yang masih bisa dimanfaatkan. Tindakan ini bisa menjadi langkah utama kita menghemat berbagai energi; uang, dan sumber...
Mei - Mei Ries
Feb 7, 2005
by Mei - Mei Ries
To Lease or to Buy? An article from iParenting Med
By Melissa Granberry
Understand all of the financing options available today, before deciding how to pay for your vehicle to choose the best option for your family.
Is a new car in your future? If so, you have probably done your homework and researched the different types of ve...
Tips for Managing Your Plastic by Barak S
Tips for Managing Your Plastic by Barak Strickland, Personal Financial Coach
As it becomes possible to pay for more and more everyday goods and services with plastic--whether with a bank debit card or a personal credit card - keeping track of expenses can become tricky. Among the...
Preparing Your Family Budget by ccsc.org
Preparing Your Family Budget
If your family is floundering financially, it may be time to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and make up a family financial plan. Consumer Credit Counseling Service suggests keeping the following tips in mind when developing your family bud...
Money management for kids by Heather Kielly
Money management for kids
Are you tired of listening to your child’s pleas for more cash? Do you want to raise a money savvy child? Well, you no longer have to plug your ears wondering what to do. Teaching children about saving money is not a difficult task, and with a few tips...
Successful Budgeting for Students by Sandy S
Successful Budgeting for Students by Sandy Shields Managing a budget is not as hard as it sounds. Making the initial commitment to live according to your budget is the hardest part. If you have done that, you are well on your way to wise spending and saving. What is a budget? It is simply a written plan fo...
Budget Baby Steps - by Tammy Harrison
Budget Baby Steps by Tammy Harrison You are a two-income family, sharing and spreading the wealth amongst yourselves. All of a sudden, baby one comes along, and you find your heart pulled in a different direction than you ever imagined. Your emotions run high, and you make a decision that will change...
7 Simple Cost Cutting Ideas-by Kara Kelso
7 Simple Cost Cutting Ideas by Kara Kelso http://www.momsmarketonline.com Today's market is rough, so all of us are looking for ways to cut costs. Here are just a few that you can try for yourself: 1. Shared plans with cell phones. If you have a cell phone that offers shared plans (two or more phones sha...