Broken Glass: To pick up small slivers of broken glass from a hard surface, use a slice of bread. Place the bread on the broken glass slivers and press down gently. The glass will stick to the piece of bread and not into your fingers. Works very well! Kristy, KS
Computer: To easily clean your computer and keyboard use baby wipes. You will be amazed at how much dirt they actually pick up. Pamela McNeiece
Every Day Mess: Baby wipes are a nice easy way to clean up everyday messes. They can be used for dusting, polishing shoes, and cleaning car dashboards. They are indispensable. They also work well on babies! Sandy, PA
Dusting: If I am short on time to do, I put on a pair of white cotton gloves sprayed with furniture polish. Makes it easy to dust all those little nick knacks as well. Pam Bienias, AL or Pull a sock over each hand and walk through the house dusting. This also works to dust off the TV screen where dust loves to gather. L. Yorgensen, OK or Dryer sheets work great when dusting nick/knacks and around them. Also good for dusting the TV screen, stereo, and other electronics. Sue, NY
Dust Mites: Getting rid of dust mites will help improve allergies. Do this by vacuuming your mattresses and washing bed sheets once a week in hot water. Also, don't forget to wash curtains and blinds that collect dust. Kim Bratcher
Fresh House Scent: Buy an air freshener of your choice and stick it behind your vacuum bag. When you vacuum it will make your house smell good. Lisa, AZ
Furniture: If you are out of furniture polish, you can use Armour All or Formula 2000 on your tables and counters, and also use on stainless steel for a bright shine. Melissa Watters, GA or Wash with warm water and dishwashing liquid. Be sure to dry furniture very well with soft dry cloth. By using this method, dust collects slowly. Cornelia J. Carter, VA or If you leave a drink on the coffee table and get a watermark, take mayonnaise and rub into the wood. It is like new again with a shine!! Misty Long, RI
General Stains and Cleaning: Totally Toddler is a great stain remover. You can purchase it at Wal-Mart in the baby department. Lisa Seeber, TN
Lye soap works well for cleaning kitchen sinks, bathroom fixtures and clothes that need bleaching. It works really well on heavy soiled work clothes. Roxie McCarty, TX
Iron: To clean the bottom of your iron, sprinkle ironing board with table salt and then iron over salt with warm iron. Dianne Chapman, TN
Plexi-Glass: To clean plexi-glass windows use white vinegar and a soft cloth. Marlene, TX
Pet Hair in Blankets (and rugs): Toss in dryer on Air setting with a large piece of netting (available at fabric store) This also works to clean stuffed animals that are dusty. Vikkie Sansing, FL
Rust Spots: Use Mr. Clean Erasers. A few wipes and they are gone! They are also good cleaning storm doors. They are amazing. Try them and you will be looking for places to clean! Janet, IA
Rust Stains: Kiss those rust stains and mineral deposits goodbye! I use Bar Keepers Friend on porcelain sinks, stainless steel, and fiberglass materials. It’s cheap and is available at Wal-Mart. It comes in a yellow/blue can and is found by the toilet cleaners. D. Trim, LA
Sink Rust Stains: Rust rings in your sinks can be removed with a little baking soda. Just massage it into the stain and rinse. Darlene Totty, TN
Spider Webs: Use the Swiffer mop and a dry Swiffer sheet to clear hard-to-reach corners. Marsha, TN
Tree Sap: To remove pitch (tree sap) from your hands, spray your hands with hair spray and rub them together. Carol S. Troutdale, OR
TV Screen: Use cling-free dryer sheet to clean your television and computer screens. Simply lightly moisten them and wipe-off the screen. Mary Jo Zurn, TX
Wallpaper: Wipe walls with a Swiffer mop and a wet Swiffer pad. It is really quick and so much easier than hand wiping your walls. Marsha, TN
Washing Machines: To keep washing machines clean and to remove excess soap that remains in all the holes. Once a week add 1 cup of vinegar to your wash cycle. Be sure to use the hot water option. Now your machine will be clean and fresh again. Cheryl, CA
Water Marks on Wood Furniture: To remove watermarks from wood furniture. Mix approximately one half teaspoon of olive oil and ashes from a couple of cigarettes and make it into a paste. Then rub the paste on the stained area. Then simply wipe clean. Bob Barker, OH