Did you know the two most tempting things to a toddler in your office are your floppy disk drive and the switch on your power bar? And those are likely the two most damaging things your child can do to your business, particularly if you do not save often, or backup your files.
You can easily tape a piece of cardboard over your disk drive. Not only do toddlers love to press the button on the disk drive, they love trying to take the metal shield off the disks they have removed. Then, if a disk fits in, will the saucer from her tea set fit? What about big brother's hockey card? The possibilities are endless of what a toddler will think of the try and put into your disk drive.
Beware of your CD-ROM drive. More than one barely-walking baby has tried pulling herself up using an open CD-ROM drive to disastrous results. You can also use the cardboard and tape technique for this drive too, but be sure you cover up the "eject" button too.
There are also special plastic covers available that attach to your computer "box" and you may find it is a worthwhile investment. You may also consider special covers for your monitor, keyboard and printer to prevent any stray Cheerios or spilled sippy cups from doing any damage.
Your power bar is fascinating. Not only are there the surge protector lights, but there is that neat little toggle switch she can try to click the other way. You should secure your power bar with screws to the wall, high enough that little hands can't reach it. Or you can put it inside a cupboard or wood box.
Check all the cords your child can reach. You do not want a heavy printer or scanner to come crashing down when your toddler pulls on it. Bolt down any equipment that could fall. You can easily find brackets at a hardware store for doing this.
There are many hidden dangers in your garbage can as well. You will want to keep it out of reach or with a secure lid on top. If neither is an option, only put harmless items such as old coffee cups or papers, and put all the rest in your household trash.
Keep small items such as tacks, staples, box cutters, letter openers and paper clips in a cupboard well out of your child's reach. They can pose an extreme hazard for a curious toddler who tries to eat it.
When you think your office is totally child proofed, get down and crawl along the floor - it is amazing what someone that low to the ground will notice, and what you may have missed when child proofing your office.
Jennifer Kirk is the owner of MyMommyBiz.com, a large advice & resource site for work at home moms. Along with a very active message board community, visitors will find all the tools they need to start, build, and network their business or party plan online and off. http://www.MyMommyBiz.com