by Lisa Carter and Lori Marques The Paranoid Sisters
The Paranoid Sisters bring you a few of the hundreds of tips from their book, Child Safety Made Easy.
1. Check toes of socks and clothing for strings and hairs -- they can wrap around toes and cut off circulation
2. Check pacifiers (and bottle nipples) regularly to see if they're coming apart -- baby can choke on pieces of the nipple if it falls apart.
3. If a toy can fit through a toilet paper roll, it's too small for a baby or toddler to play with.
4. Don't allow children to play in the car -- they can become trapped and suffocate (or overheat).
5. Don't jiggle, shake or throw baby in the air -- even when done playfully, a baby can be seriously injured by the jarring motion. Also, be aware of ceiling fans.
6. Turn cookware handles toward the back of the stove -- children can reach for handles and pull pans off.
7. Drain childrens' pools and turn them upside down when not in use.
8. Don't leave baby unattended on a waterbed -- they could roll over and suffocate.
9. Check plants to be sure they're not poisonous. For example, oleanders, poinsettias and many mushrooms are (and many common houseplants are, too).
10. Get down on your hands and knees to better observe what is at baby's level.